Prairie Therapeutic Touch Network Society
General membership (for students and Practitioners) is $30/year. Teaching membership is $40/year.
Membership Benefits of PTTNS:
- be part of a supportive community of like-minded people
- participate in TT practice groups that support your on-going learning and growing in your TT practice
- receive reduced fees for PTTNS Professional Practice Day and annual Retreat.
- receive online newspapers as they are available
- be a recognized member of TTNC, the National TT organization that holds the trademark for Therapeutic Touch
- be made aware of the National and International TT events as they arise
- have opportunities to be involved with decision making that affects the ongoing practice of TT within our Network and Nationally
- eligibility to participate in the PTTNS AGM, and have voting privileges
- eligibility to hold volunteer positions on the PTTNS Board
For information about obtaining a membership in PTTNS please contact:
Membership Coordinator: