Prairie Therapeutic Touch Network Society
Therapeutic Touch® National Curriculum Courses
These three courses provide the foundation for becoming a Recognized TT Practitioner. Following completion of these courses additional practice, reading, and reflection, with the guidance of a TT mentor, are required.
Course Facilitator for the following three fall courses: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, Ph.D., RTTT (TTNA), QTTT (TTIA) Chery Ann has been practicing Therapeutic Touch (T.T.) since 1984. She is a recognized TT practitioner and teacher in Canada and the United States. She is also a qualified Therapeutic Touch teacher trainer. Chery Ann is a National and International speaker and course facilitator. She also is a mentor for TT practitioners and teachers. Chery Ann feels very blessed to have studied and worked with both Dora Kunz and Dr. Dolores Krieger, PhD. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience directly from the co-founders of TT. Chery Ann looks forward to sharing her knowledge, her passion for and experiences with Therapeutic Touch, with you.
Course #1- Foundations of Therapeutic Touch® Online Course
Contemporary research demonstrates that Therapeutic Touch (TT) can be used to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety and pain, and promote healing for self and others. TT is a non-invasive, holistic approach that supports the body's own natural healing resources. Through use of the hands, variations in the human energy field are identified and the practitioner can work towards restoring balance in the field. Basic assumptions underlying the practice of TT, supporting theoretical frameworks, the T.T, process, and research will be addressed. Through interaction, demonstration, practice, and discussion you learn beginning skills in the process of TT. This course supports the development of foundational skills for practicing TT with self and family, and is the first course in becoming a recognized TT practitioner.
Course Facilitator: Dr. Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, PhD., RTTT, QTTT and Sherry Crann-Adair, RTTP, TT Teacher Mentee
Dates/Times: Thurs. Oct. 3, 2024, 6 – 8 pm MDT. Course introduction and Zoom orientation. Sat. and Sun. Oct. 5 & 6, Sat. Oct. 19, MDT.
Bonus follow-up session: Thurs. Oct. 24, 2024, 6-8 p.m. MDT. Total Recognized Contact Hours = 12 hours.
Location: ZOOM platform. *Note: Registration will be limited to 8 participants so register early to avoid disappoint- ment.
Course Fee: $220 CDN (includes: 12+ hours of theory & practice, detailed course workbook, handouts & a paid PTTN membership for first time, new, non-member participants)
Registration and Payment at :
Website: https// for more course information.
Course #2 - Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch® - Online
This course is for Therapeutic Touch® (TT) practitioners who want to build on knowledge, skills, and insights, acquired from the Foundations of TT course and from TT regular practice, thus broadening one’s understanding of elements of the TT process will broaden to include sound, colour and the entire HEF. Distance TT will be practiced throughout this course. Contemplative practices and reflective dialogue regarding energetic, emotional and mental aspects of TT practice enhance the self-knowledge and self-inquiry. Approaches to assisting individuals with a variety of health challenges are also explored.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundations of Therapeutic Touch course (12 hours) and 3 months or more of regular T.T. practice
Dates/Times: Thurs., Apr. 4, 2024, 6 –8 p.m. MDT: Course introduction. Sun., Apr. 7, 21 & May 5, 8 am - 2 pm MDT. with 30 min. lunch break. Bonus Follow-up session: Thurs. May. 9, 2024, 6 - 8 p.m. MDT.
Certificate of Completion: a PDF certificate will be issued with participation in all course sessions, submission of CARER notes from two TT sessions after the course if completed, and submission of a completed Course Feedback form
Location: on-line via ZOOM
Course Facilitator: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, PhD., RTTT, QTTT;
Course Fee: $290 CDN (16+ hours of theory and practice, and the course workbook)
Contact: Chery Ann at if you have any questions about the course
Registration and Payment at:
Website Course Info:
*Note: Registration will be limited to 8 participants, register early to avoid disappointment.
Registration deadline; Mar. 28, 2024
Course #3 - Application of the Inner Process of Therapeutic Touch® On-line
Application of the Inner Processes of Therapeutic Touch (TT) course builds on knowledge and skills acquired in the previous two Therapeutic Touch courses as well as experience and knowledge gained from regular TT practice. TT practitioners who have successfully completed Foundations and Transpersonal TT courses, have experience and knowledge gained from regular TT practice will find this course guides them further in their regular TT practice. Your TT practice is expanded through by focusing on the inner processes of TT, connection with one's inner self, and connection with the nonlocal field. Contemplative practices facilitate your self-inquiry and self-awareness, enhancing guidance from your inner wisdom. Increased awareness of shifts in consciousness throughout the TT process and how these shifts are responsive to the healing partner's (Hp) energy field are explored. In addition you offer and receive on-line distance TT with peers and guest models. Through layered experiences you refine and enhance your offering of TT. The meaning of the TT experience for both the Hp and TT practitioner are explored through reflective dialogue. Inner processes offers you 20+ hours of theory, experiential exercises and practice sessions to integrate these experiences into your developing TT practice. Bring your eagerness, enthusiam, curiosity and an openness to discover heightened ways of being in your TT experience.
Dates/Times: May 30, 2024, 6 - 8 p.m. MDT., Course Introduction. Sat. & Sun, June 1 & 2, 8 & 9, Sat. June 15, 2024, 8 am - 12 pm MDT.
Bonus Follow-up sessions: Thurs. June 22, 2024, 6 - 7 pm, MDT.
Course Fee: $320.00 CDN (includes:20+ hours of theory &TT practice, experiential activities, course workbook, & handouts)
Location: On-line via Zoom
*Note: Prerequisites: Successful completion of Foundations of TT and Transpersonal Nature of TT courses and preferably 6 months of regular TT practice after your first Transpersonal course.
Contact: Chery Ann at if you have any questions about the course
Registration and Payment: This course is limited to 8 participants, so register early to avoid disappointment.
Registration dealine: May 23,2024
Website: https://chaiholisticehealthservices/
Questions about this course: (website course page)
Holistic Teaching Success Program (HTSP)
This program consists of three courses and is for Recognized TT Practitioners who want to learn how to teach TT. To see the details of these three courses go to the website at:
Course #1: Connecting Communication Channels Course
Description: This course is available to TT practitioners and TT teachers who want to enhance their communication skills and increase their effectiveness with their clients. Bi-weekly session facilitate skill development in the 6 connecting communication channels. The small group environment provides supportive feedback that facilitates integration of these skills into your personal and professional repertoire.
Course Facilitator: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer Ph.D., RTTT, QTTT
Location: Zoom
Course Dates: September 12, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 & 30, 5 - 7 pm MDT, & October 2 & 3, 10 am – 12 noon, MDT
Course Fee: $497 CDN
Registration & Payment at:
Registration Deadline: August 31, 2021
Course #2 Holistic Teaching Success Roadmap Course
Description: Do you want to teach your Therapeutic Touch ®practice but you don’t know where to start? This course takes you through a step-by-step Holistic Teaching Success Roadmap so you have a plan that outlines what you will teach, how you will teach, relevant learner activities and assessment strategies. In addition to the Monday lessons and related exercises, you have 3 - 3hour group coaching sessions to support you in your teaching plan development.
Course Facilitator: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer Ph.D., RTTT, QTTT
Location: Zoom
Course Dates: October 3, 4, 7, 14, 18, 21 & 25, 5 – 7 pm & Saturday October 23 & 30, & November 6 1 – 4 pm MDT
Course Fee: $497 CDN
Registration and Payment at Website:
Course #3 Holistic Teaching Success Practicum Course
Description: This course offers Therapeutic Touch® Recognized Practitioners, who want to teach TT, the opportunity to practice teaching in a safe and supportive environment with their peers. Ongoing verbal and written feedback throughout the course provide the opportunity to refine one’s teaching skills and increase confidence in one’s ability to teach TT in a manner that authentically addresses the unique needs of the students. Theoretical foundations of teaching and learning, integration of the ‘enhanced curriculum’ terminology, as well as practical applications, are integrated throughout this experiential learning opportunity.
Course Facilitator: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer Ph.D., RTTT, QTTT
Location: Zoom
Course Dates: Monday, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & December 6, 5 – 7 pm MDT, & Saturday, November 27 & December 11, 9 am – 12 noon, MDT
Course Fee: $497 CDN
Registration and Payment at:
Course #4 Holistic Teaching Success Mentorship
Course dates: TBD with participant Course fee: $1500.00 Cdn
Registration: on demand Website:https//
‘Masterful Mentor’ Mastermind - On-line
This Mastermind is for heart-centered Therapeutic Touch® teachers or practitioners who have
been mentors and want to become even more effective in their mentoring role. TT practitioners and teachers who are committed to their own growth and are willing to do the work to achieve their desired outcomes will be included in this Mastermind group.
Maximum group size: 4 TT teachers and/or practitioners
This Mastermind Group is for Therapeutic Touch® practitioners or teachers who have mentored learners for a minimum of one year and who…
want a supportive team of Mastermind partners.
desire to be masterful at mentoring their students.
are committed to participating full-out in every Mastermind session.
have the desire and motivation to make their mentoring relationships the best they can be.
Schedule: Two-hour sessions, 8 am – 10 am MDT, every second week for 3 months. Dates TBD for 2022
Fee: $1050.00. An early bird price of $840, for all 6 sessions, when paid in full one month prior to session start date.
Contact Chery Ann at: to receive a Membership Application
Therapeutic Touch® Practitioner Mentorship Program
This online Mentorship program supports Therapeutic Touch (TT) practitioners who want to work towards meeting the requirements for Recognized TT Practitioner (RTTP) or Qualified TT Practitioner (QTTP) status. Practitioners who want to enhance their TT practice but do not want to apply for RTTP or QTTP status will also find this program valuable. Monthly group education and mentoring sessions will support practitioners in enhancing their personal growth, their knowledge of TT, and their TT practice skills. Participants will work and share with their peers in a supportive environment where they are learning and growing personally and professionally. Supportive feedback of written CARER notes will be provided throughout the program
Membership in a TT organization in your country
Successful completion of the Foundations of TT and the Transpersonal Aspects of TT courses
The Inner Processes of TT course will need to be completed prior to your application for Practitioner status
Dates & Times: 3rd Wednesday of the month, January 18 to June 21, 2023, 5 – 8 pm MT
Location & Course Enrollment: ZOOM Platform. This course is limited to 8 participants
Fee: $400 CDN
This fee includes all of the following:
6 - 3 hour, monthly, group education and mentoring sessions
Feedback on your written CARER notes submitted by the monthly deadline (2 TT sessions per week)
½ hour one-on-one mentoring session, the week prior to the program start
½ hour end-of-course, one-on-one mentoring session the week of June 26 and the following BONUS
BONUS: a 2-hour group follow-up session on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 5 – 7 pm MT
Additional BONUS: *When your fee is paid in full by the early bird deadline, November 30, 2022, you will receive personal access to the‘Go for your Goals’ online coursefor 2023, a great way to begin the year!
Program Information:
Payment & Application: Registration Opens November 14, 2022 and closes December 30, 2022. *Note: Registration is limited to 8 participants with this ZOOM offering, so register early to avoid disappointment.
Cancellation Policy: Registration fee minus $60.00 for cancellations before Dec 30, 2022. No refunds after this deadline nor after you have been sent access to the early bird BONUS 'Go For Your Goals' online course.